About Harold

Harold Lowe and his family

My Passion

I was one of those that could have been left behind. My parents were teenagers when I was born at Highland Hospital. When I was 6, my father drowned in the Central Valley, and life was a struggle. Family homelessness, 8-year-old brother killed by a drunk driver in the San Antonio District, food insecurity. I don’t just know ‘those people,’ I am those people.

What saved me were uplifting programs and opportunities for youth to engage our religious, political and business leaders. My friends and I could safely explore Oakland. We had grocery stores and banks in our neighborhoods. We had pride because we had sports teams, beautifully maintained parks, great activities and places to visit. We witnessed excellence among leaders from all backgrounds. Adults gave us hope, and showed us that if you worked hard, there was a future for you in Oakland.

I learned true leadership and authentic commitment to others regardless of what they looked like, believed; how they loved. This Oakland legacy is what I want to bring to every youth. I want to partner and redevelop our infrastructure and create spaces that cities are supposed to have. I will be able to do not just based on my training, but grounded in my experiences.

"I've been a community servant all my life. I've never left Oakland, and I've never stopped serving Oakland. Help turn The Town around with your vote by April 15th."

Engaging the community

Ready to Serve

Harold earned his Master’s in Public Administration from Cal State Eastbay because he wanted to provide more support in developing good policies for Oakland. Harold put his education to work, serving on nearly two dozen community-centered committees, organizations, and boards in the Oakland area improving their budgets, helping them bring in diverse leadership, and creating stronger engagement with people — including a citizen’s advisory board for the Alameda County Supervisor’s Office.

After Receiving His Bachelor’s At UC Berkeley, Harold Worked In Many Different Industries, Including Consumer Healthcare, Financial Planning, And Construction Management.

Through it all, Harold has remained a financial planner for local families because he never wants any child to grow up like he did. He believes in giving people power by helping people navigate the financial system to build generational wealth.

35 Years of Service To Our Youth & Community

Through my leadership we raised over $8 MM over the last decade alone for local non-profit organizations.

  • Founder, Oakland Alumni Association
  • Founder/Assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, Troop #97
  • Chair, Enterprise Institute Committee Oakland Rotary #3
  • Member, Chinese Chamber of Commerce
  • Chair, Oakland Unified School District Measure G Committee
  • District Commissioner, Scouts B.S.A.
  • Board Treasurer, Chair, Oakland Lacrosse
  • Board Treasurer, The Calculus Roundtable
  • Member of OUSD Principal selection committees, Melrose Leadership Academy, Skyline High School.
  • Founder/Cubmaster Pack #97
  • Founder, Chartered Organization Rep Troop #2097 (2nd female Troop in Oakland)
  • San Francisco Bay Area Council Recruitment Board
  • Board Member, Oakland Rotary #3
  • Board Treasurer, Oakland Rotary #3 Endowment Board
  • Member, Presenter, Oakland Unified School District Blueprint Advisory Committee
  • Chair, Foundation Board Member, Melrose Leadership Academy
  • Chair, Oakland Technical High Centennial Committee.
  • Board Treasurer, President Pro Arts Gallery
  • Member, 100 Black Men of America
  • Board Treasurer, HealthRight 360
  • Alumni President, INROADS Northern CA
  • Western Regional Board Member, INROADS
  • Board Chair, PEERS (Peers Envisioning and Engaging in Recovery Services)
  • Board Member, Boys and Girls Club Oakland
  • Member, Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce

Why I’m Running

There is an awesome responsibility in being on city council. It is the foundational role in governing, one of the most important positions there is.  This responsibility should not be granted because one surveyed well or manipulated audiences with nuanced theory, someone got the most insider endorsements, or because a special interest bought the election.  Leadership to move us forward must be earned through experience, empathy, truth and an ability to ask for help and be vulnerable to criticism, and with a commitment to integrity and keeping people as the main beneficiary of any policy or action.

I’ve spent my lifetime serving and learning and collaborating, all here in Oakland. For decades, I’ve worked in key for profit industries, acquiring skills which would advance Oakland. I’m the only candidate to work in management in more than five industries, developing business plans and budgets and being accountable in these roles.  In addition, I’ve also served as an Executive Director and many other nonprofit roles. While I’m not an Oakland union worker like my father and grandfather, I’m the only candidate to bring construction and union opportunities to Oakland. I’ve studied the most challenging issues in Oakland, while being able to apply those findings in my personal and professional lives.  We must support the small business community, and as a business owner who has participated in five business organizations in Oakland, I know what that means. I am the only person in this race to attract businesses to Oakland, and as a financial planner, I’ve worked to find investors in enterprise zones and innovative startups in financial services for the underserved. I’ve worked with City, County, State, and Federal leaders to improve the lives of our citizens.

Submitting documents to serve

One doesn’t have to be an Oakland native to lead Oakland.  We shine because people come from everywhere and shape us for the better. But I’ll be the only native in at least five decades to lead the district, and that institutional knowledge means something when so many competitors have little to no historical understanding of the city during this crisis we face.  I was born to teenage parents in this District, less than a mile and a half from where I live today, where I have lived for 30 years.  I know what types of people and institutions helped me survive my impoverished upbringing when my father died, and how we can leverage these again and break cycles, as I’ve done with my own children, and the many I’ve helped as Board leader, Scout leader, uncle. I know what we have lost, so I know what our amazing potential can be.

As the only candidate to signal our financial crisis two years ago and challenge unfit leadership before the recalls, I promise to tell the truth and treat you like adults. I will leverage my unique mix of career, community, and cultural experiences and courage to act independently for the best interests of the district, the city and not the next race.  So, I’m running a little bit angry,  with a lot of determination, purpose and genuine respect for this community, and I’ll be dammed if I let another person who wants to fail up trick us again.

Let’s Go Oakland.

Harold Lowe
Your Candidate for Oakland City Council, District 2